Parcel V-1 Bulkhead & Pier 5 Cofferdam Repairs - DESIGN

Project includes the replacement of a bulkhead along FID Kennedy Avenue in BMIP with topside roadway, sidewalk and lighting improvements, and the repair to cofferdams at Drydock 4 with restoration of topside surface area.

Type RFP
Status Awarded
Due Date 10/16/2015 17:00
Pre Bid Meeting Date 10/05/2015 11:30
Awarded Date
Awarded Company PARE Corporation
Contract Value $297,964
Contact [email protected]

Bourne Consulting Engineering $375,465.00
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. $376,750.00
Moffat & Nichol $490,824.00
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike $425,532.00
Childs Engineering Corporation $573,130.00
PARE Corporation $297,964.00