Research Publications

Economy & Jobs

Hotels in Boston

This report provides information on Boston's hotel industry, growth, and overall economic impact. It details occupancy rates, hotel distribution by neighborhood, and more.


Most Recent

Boston Supermarkets 2006

From 1990 to the present, Boston's supermarkets that range from small-scale specialty to mid-sized grocery stores and "super-sized" retailers have served have served Boston's neighborhoods in unique and vital ways. This report chronicles the evolution of the supermarket in Boston and how it stands today.

Boston's Creative Economy

The Research Division created an innovative analysis of Boston's creative economy, defined as those activities which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have the potential for wealth and job creation.

The Boston Economy 2005

Boston’s economy is once more showing signs of steady growth and of recovery from a regional economic recession after four years of a slow economy.

The Boston Economy 2004

Report for year 2004 presents major economic and demographic trends for the past ten years in a citywide and regional context.

Boston Among 35 American Cities

Report on employment growth and specialization in 35 of the largest American cities including Boston with specific reference to location, growth and concentration of jobs in cities.

New Super Market Openings

Basic details of supermarkets that opened in Boston from 1992 to 2004, their locations and floor space.

Boston Chartbook-A Primer of Boston's Economy - 2004

Boston's economy presented in a series of graphs showing Boston's share of Massachusetts' jobs, goods and services, and tax revenues.

Economic&Fiscal Impact of the 2004 democratic National Convention in Boston

This study estimates the near-term economic impacts and longer-term sustainability benefits of Boston’s ARRA investments.In short, this study projects significant economic impact in such things as job creation, Gross Regional Product, and tax generation, as well as longer-term sustainability benefits such as energy cost saving and water preservation. In addition, the study shows that when considering financial and sustainability efforts together, local benefits are expected to exceed costs by at least a four-to-one ratio, demonstrating a strong return on investment to the City of Boston.

Boston Economy 2003

A report on major economic, demographic and market indicators for Boston.

Leadership Through Innovation

Innovation and public-private partnerships have played central roles in the development of Boston's modern economy. This report discusses the evolution of the city's economy with detailed data for 1970-2000.