Research Publications

Economy & Jobs

Hotels in Boston

This report provides information on Boston's hotel industry, growth, and overall economic impact. It details occupancy rates, hotel distribution by neighborhood, and more.


Most Recent

Tax Exempt Property in Boston

Describes the impact, location, and issues of the fifty percent of Boston's land that is tax exempt.

Boston Still #1 College City

Boston is home to 36 colleges and universities, and over 135,000 students, making it one of the world's leading intellectual centers.

Intellectual Capital Drives Boston’s Record as a Top Location for Business

Discusses Boston's consistently high rankings in Fortune Magazine as a place to live and do business. This success comes from the innovation and intellectual capital driving the city's major industries.

Boston Influence Found Throughout The Region

Boston is the economic, cultural, medical, educational and governmental capital of New England.

Supermarkets good news for Boston's Neighborhoods

Since 1992, 21 new or expanded supermarkets have opened in Boston's neighborhoods, giving residents more convenience and choice.

Federal R&D Funding in Boston

The City’s Intellectual Capital Yields Large Economic Benefits. This report details the level and type of research and development funding occurring in Boston and its impacts upon the city's economy.

Manufacturing in Boston 2002

Manufacturing product types and locations in Boston and its neighborhoods.

Technology Factsheet

Technology Factsheet.

The Largest Private Employers in Boston2001

Lists the largest private employers in Boston in 2001.

A strong Economy and Housing

Discusses the Economic Development and Housing Legislation Proposed by the City of Boston and the Boston Redevelopment Authority in the 2001-2002 Legislative Session.